Why this model can initiate a new era of Artificial Intelligence?
Currently science does not have an explanation of How the Mind Works. This problem raises the following question: There can be a real Artificial Intelligence without an Artificial Mind? The answer is NO! the current Artificial Intelligence is a big experiment that costs a lot of money. How many tech-solutions exist to recognize a face? without a doubt, many. How many methodologies does the mind use for the same purpose? according to my thesis, only one. We can not achieve a true Artificial Intelligence, if we do not know exactly How the Mind Works!
I offer a great discovery: The Artificial Mind a concept higher than Artificial Intelligence and in practice is innovative mathematical model that simulates How the Mind Works. My goal is to get support from an institution to make public this theory and mathematical model.
- This model allows quantifying —in precise way— any fact, matter, phenomenon or thing, which has some relevance for the human being. For example: a state of happiness or sadness, a feeling, the expectation or concern about something, the quality of a product or service, the efficiency of a worker, the total management of a business, the condition of the weather, the probability that a lightning strike on a particular point of the earth… in a few words: it allows to quantify —with mathematical precision— any problem raised.
- In practical terms —this innovative model— solves the problem of measuring subjective elements, such: quality, efficiency, happiness, worry, hope, affection. Which guarantees a integration and total accuracy in the measurement of the results.
- In technological terms, the model offers an efficient universal methodology —which represents a drastic reduction in time and money— for the application and development of all those tools or systems oriented to facilitate decision making (Systems of Support to Decisions or DSS, Games Theory, Decision Theory, Complex System, Expert Systems, etc.).
- But also, with this universal characteristic, this model is constituted in a method, system, protocol or language; which fulfills exactly with the universal nature of the mind, and creates The Artificial Mind: concept higher than Artificial Intelligence; which materializes with the possibility of integrating global effort. Means, that robots can be configured with the best solutions —à la carte— that exist in the world. For example, to the Russian intelligent robot Virtual Actor —endowed with narrative and emotional intelligence, announced by Dr. Alexei Samsonovich— could be easily added the "skills" developed by Google to play GO and also the capabilities of the Deep Ocean Explorer, manufactured at the German Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence. But, —this robot with Artificial Mind— could also be an Expert System with knowledge in Game Theory, and orientate the decision making in any organization. This is the new era of Artificial Intelligence of which I am referring.
An important theory that coincides with The Artificial Mind is that of Jeff Hawkins (Silicon Valley computer engineer, inventor of the Palm Pilot and founder of the company Numenta, with the aim of developing a new type of memory based on the functioning of the human brain), says: "Every step from raw information to the abstract idea is based on the same algorithm. It is the only computation that the cortex can do, but it is so versatile that it can explain all the incredible properties of the mind." Hawkins, is looking for this "prodigious algorithm" and believes that it could become the unifying norm. (ARTICLE: This is how the mind works - El Pais, 2004)
(view contributions of The Artificial Mind - practical examples)
(view contributions of The Artificial Mind - practical examples)
The theory of How the Mind Works, is contained in a thesis (document of 37 pages). In which, a solution is proposed to the mind-body problem; also, offers a categorical response to the controversial question: can a computer be more intelligent than a human?; also, are established the necessary conditions in order that a computer could think with autonomy; and also arise, —surprisingly for evolutionists— an important link in the chain of events that gave rise to biological life.
For those skeptics who have doubts about the seriousness of my work, I give them a quick and important reference. It is not easy to define what the mind is, look for the best definition and compare (it is not a concept, only a sentence with practical sense):
- The mind is a set of faculties that allows to create and administer the knowledge to establish and satisfy needs.
This definition arose from my thesis and it is consistent with the interest of the different technological areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Big Data, Robotics, Games Theory, Data Management, Cognitive Computing, Natural Language Processing, Analytic... Everyone, from their perspective, wants to understand how the brain processes information to then understand How the Mind Works, and finally be able to simulate how information is transformed into knowledge. In other words, they want: From a computer with data... create and administer the knowledge for…
Anyone who develops Artificial Intelligence and does not have a definition of the mind, then will only have developed a great experiment. How can you build something that you can not explain?
I invite any person or institution interested to put in practice this model, to coordinate efforts to start the era of The Artificial Mind.
I appreciate any comments, orientation or questions.
Jesús Eduardo López H.
Software Developer
Software Developer
Hello Jesus Eduardo Lopez H., how are you?
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting article above. I thought more deeply on that topic. I mean really basic functionality of brain - on the level of individual neurons and synapsis. Modelling the basic funcionality based on mathematical and computer science view. It is not the SIMULATION how the mind works but really basic design how the mind works. Plus some consequences in human thinking and developing (fundamental deficiency of Darwin's theory based on genetics and neuroscience. You can find it here: http://amzn.to/2okF1LR
Dear Petr Rektorys, I appreciate your comment, you are right, this model simulates mathematically the basic functioning of the brain. In other words, allows to establish with mathematical rigor the knowledge that contains each neuron and transfer -this knowledge- it in its real dimension to other neurons. This "synapse" far exceeds current models.