more characteristics of the mathematical model that simulates How the Mind Works
- On base of important scientific references (one law, two theories and one principle) and from a totally innovative approach —in my, thesis on How the Mind Works— five fundamental principles of the functioning of the mind or how the brain processes information are conceptually defined, and with this model are demonstrated —in a practical, clear and categorical— each one of them. Definition and demonstration that no science —until now— has performed. (view some references of the current interest of how the brain processes information or How the Mind Works)
- Artificial Intelligence, represents a world project, "ideal" and difficult to achieve, is to say a utopia, in which any significant advance has great impact on our daily life. The importance of advancing in the utopia, with the contribution of this model, is implicit in the following hypothesis: Everything indicates, that is impossible that one mind process information —without reference to the motivations— in a different way of another mind; in this case, the mathematical model that demonstrates —in an irrefutable way— how a mind processes information, will be the only model accepted universally and will never have competition.
- The importance of this model —beyond revealing the mystery of How the Mind Works— consists, in allowing the creation a global network of artificial neurons, which establishes a remarkable advance in the simulation of the complex network of about 100.000 million of neurons that interact in the human brain. Dr. Joaquim Fuster —recognized authority in the world of neuroscience— highlights the importance of the network, says: “…the network is the key, the neural network, especially the networks of the cerebral cortex, are the base of the whole knowledge and of all the memory, are formed throughout life, with the experience, by the establishment of connections, the ‘connect’ between neurons… between neurons that can be grouped in small groups especially in the primary sensory motor areas, which can be called modules… the modules are at the base, is to see, is to touch, is to hear... is to move, but the conscience of the knowledge and the conscience of the memory is in the network, is in the grouping…” (Redes 110: The soul is in the network of the brain - neuroscience, 2011). This phenomenon is known as synergy and summarized by Gestalt Psychology, in the following sentence: The whole is more than the sum of the parts.
- This model —universal as the mind— in any case, fully satisfies the following hypothesis, which is perhaps the main foundation of the Cognitive Science (formal field of study of the cognition):
- The system interacts with symbols, but not with their meaning, and the system (mind) would function correctly when the symbols appropriately represents some aspect of external reality, or some aspect of this, and the information processing in the system (symbolic computation) leads to a successful solution of the problem that has been presented (Varela, Thompson, y Rosch, 1993, p.42).
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