Contributions of the Artificial Mind - practical examples
(texto original en español)
Example 1
Discovering How the Mind Works allows you easily... measure, digitize or quantify subjective values or mental states, such as: quality, efficiency, love, hate, happiness, worry, hope, feelings, emotions... etc.
In case you need to measure your level of happiness:
- You must enter a computer with Artificial Mind, and provide all the information related to your happiness (quality of life, security, illnesses, financial resources, family, etc.).
And what does The Artificial Mind contribute?
- Transforms information into knowledge. When processing the information, it produces a value, for example: happiness = 65%. Now, the machine and all the people you want, can know (according to the information you provided) that you are a person with 65% happiness.
Example 2
Decision making is a topic of great interest worldwide. In this sense, the business sector is one of the most investments in the search for tools and methods that allow efficient management of their business. Currently, Business Intelligence is the concept that summarizes all this great effort.
In case you need to measure the success of your company:
- You must apply the same methodology that you used to measure your happiness. But obviously, in this case you must provide all the information related to your company.
And what does The Artificial Mind contribute?
- Facilitates decision making. Quickly and easily, allows each worker to report their management, but... also to report their own level of happiness. And then, the knowledge (success of your company + happiness of its workers) available online, is transformed into timely and quality knowledge. Now, you (company owner) or anyone who has management functions, can easily make the decision to make this knowledge public... an easy decision with great impact... which worker or unit wants to be at the end of the list?
Example 3
We are in full boom of robotics, telephones, kitchens, elevators and even smart houses; cars and planes without pilots; intuitive machines solving the challenge of semantics; and on the other hand, the MIT allocates a trillion dollars for an Artificial Intelligence center... but, even with all this... humanizing robots is still a great challenge.
In case you need that a robot thinks and responds to emotions like you:
- You must make a connection or synapse, between the values calculated previously in examples 1 and 2. Then, your happiness = success of your company + happiness of your workers... and then program The Artificial Mind to make decisions for you, for example:
- IF my happiness is > X%
- Make a reservation for three days at the Las Vegas Hotel
- Convene meeting with board of directors
And what does The Artificial Mind contribute?
- Whatever are your specialty, work, art, science or life... in essence, everything you do consists in: transforming information into knowledge and making decisions for satisfy needs, and this, on a regular way The Artificial Mind does, the extraordinary is that it also... allows us to create machines that can share our happiness!
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