Some references of the current interest in How the Mind Works
- The website of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its section Brain Science and Cognitive Psychology, says: “Brain science and cognitive psychology is one of the most versatile psychological specialty areas today — and one of the most in demand. All professions have a compelling interest in how the brain works. Educators, curriculum designers, engineers, scientists, judges, public health and safety officials, architects and graphic designers all want to know more about how the brain processes information.”
- The European Union financed with 1 billion euros The Human Brain Project (HBP), a project to imitate with supercomputers the human brain, with which it intends to control robots and also do medical tests (Banks, 2013).
- The website of Harvard University in its section News & Events, announces an investment of $ 28 million for the project New ‘moonshot’ effort to understand the brain brings artificial intelligence closer to reality, which seeks, through latest generation laser microscopes specially built for the project, record rat brain activity as they learn and then make extra-fine cuts of their brain to be photographed under the world's first multi-beam scanning electron microscope, the leader of the project and member of the Center for Brain Science at Harvard University, Dr. David Cox, says: “The scientific value of recording the activity of so many neurons and mapping their connections alone is enormous, but that is only the first half of the project. As we figure out the fundamental principles governing how the brain learns, it's not hard to imagine that we’ll eventually be able to design computer systems that can match, or even outperform, humans.” (Burrows,2016).
- From another perspective, the professor of the Cybernetics Chair at the National Nuclear Research University of Russia (MEPhI), Dr. Alexéi Samsonovich, says: “…a large number of scientists are scouring their expansive heads for the solution. Some investigate from the bottom up, trying to reproduce the structure of the brain step by step, from neurons. I opt for another way: we must penetrate the fundamental principles that manage our thinking and only then look for the possibilities of translating them into concrete models, say, in the same neural networks.” (Made in Russia: Emotional computer will make way for artificial intelligence, 2016).
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